Thad’s Musical Instrument Lending Library (Thad’s M.I.L.L)

The Thaddeus Lake Music Foundation is happy to announce that Thad’s Musical Instrument Lending Library (Thad’s M.I.L.L) is now open! We’re located inside the Leduc Arts Foundry which is in the Leduc Recreation Centre (4330 Black Gold Drive, Leduc, AB). The closest entrance to Thad’s M.I.L.L is the east entrance.

Here are some instruments at Thad’s M.I.L.L Availability will vary. Come down in person to see what specific instruments are available to borrow. Since we’re a volunteer run organization we are unable to hold or reserve instruments/equipment.

Who Can Become a Thad’s M.I.L.L Patron?

Anyone living within Leduc County (including the communities within Leduc County borders) can join Thad’s M.I.L.L. There’s a fee of $20/year for an account valid for one person. Those under 16 can sign up with parent/guardian endorsement.

A patron will be able to borrow an instrument for up to 6-weeks. Patrons between the ages of 7 and 22 who are enrolled in music lessons or classes long-term loans may be available with endorsement from the patron’s music teacher. Long-term loan periods are from September to January or from February to June.

How Can You Become A Thad’s M.I.L.L Patron?

  • Come down to the Leduc Arts Foundry at 4330 Black Gold Drive, Leduc during their regular operating hours.
  • Be sure to have ID (to verify address) and payment for the account. We accept cash or e-transfer, but we suggest cash as e-transfer payments have to be verified (can take up to 48 hours) before a patron is allowed to borrow an instrument.
  • Talk to one of the friendly staff/volunteer at the front desk about becoming a Thad’s M.I.L.L patron. You’ll get terms and conditions to read, as well as an account and payment form to fill out. If you’re under 16 you’ll need a parent/guardian to fill these out on your behalf
  • Once the forms are filled out, the terms and conditions read, and payment verified you’ll become a Thad’s M.I.L.L patron. You can now borrow anyone of the available instruments at Thad’s M.I.L.L for up to 6-weeks. You can also renew that instrument one-time for an additional 6-weeks if you’d like.

What You Can Do To Support Thad’s M.I.L.L?

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